Tuesday, May 29, 2018

How Secure is AWS Authentication when using Google’s identity service for user identification?

Colleagues, Amazon Cognito can provide authentication, authorization, and user management for AWS users of mobile apps. This process involves a better understanding of federated authentication mechanism, a simplified credential management for teams who already have Google accounts, Customize authentication mechanisms at very low maintenance costs while serving as a good alternative to deploying and configuring our own IDP service Codecentric recommends a three step process: First, build a simple web service using AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Second, use AWS IAM is the AWS service for access control. And third, employ using the AWS Secure Token Service together with Google Sign-In. Given the significant growth of both Amazon AWS customers who also use Google’s identity service the critical question is just how secure is this process? Without doubt both vendors systems are highly secure, however we are less certain about the security and viability of using the two disparate system in tandem. Share a comment and subscribe today! Lawrence, Cyber Security Defender (https://cybersecuritydefender.blogspot.com

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