Monday, March 29, 2021

Ansible 2: Advancements with Security Automation

Cyber colleagues, Ansible makes it easy for you to secure any part of your system, including setting firewalls, providing authentication to users and groups, and setting custom security policies. Ansible allows you to write automation procedures once and use them across your entire infrastructure. This program on Ansible Security Automation starts with basic Ansible concepts and later progresses to the advanced features of Ansible 2 including Ansible Tower. Next, it will look at secure user management with Ansible managing multiple users and different permissions. Complex hardening with STIG and CIS is also covered in-depth. You will be equipped to Perform SSH hardening and manage SSH users with Ansible, Deal with SELinux at a more advanced level, Harden your system by tweaking sysctl, bootloader, networks, and logging, Set up Ansible Tower and learn to use it, and Install Ansible and connect to Windows boxes and network devices. The skill-based lectures-training modules address: 1) User Management with Ansible, 2) Httpd (apache2) Web Server Hardening, 3) OS Hardening, 4) Advanced Use of Ansible, 5) Security Governance with Ansible, and 6) Ansible and Windows.                                                   

Enroll today (individuals & teams welcome): 

Much career success, Lawrence E. Wilson - Cybersecurity Certification Center

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